Henry IV, Part I



Cast for the Recordings

Facilitated, edited, and with music composed & performed by Ariana Karp, Artistic Director

  • Zoe Burke as Lady Mortimer

  • Brittany Chandler as Sir Walter Blunt, 2nd Carrier, Lady Percy, & Hostess

  • Andrew Codispoti as Westmoreland, Chamberlain, Bardolph, 2nd Traveler, & Vernon

  • Deborah Davis as Sir John Falstaff

  • Sam Gilroy as Prince Hal

  • Lynn Goodwin as King Henry IV

  • Mitchel Kawash as Douglas, 1st Traveller, Sheriff, Mortimer, Archbishop of York, & Lancaster

  • Nicholas Koy Santillo as Glendower, Gadshill, Ostler, Francis, Vintner, Sir Michael, & Messenger

  • Genevieve Simon as Hotspur

  • Kelly Strandemo as Worcester & Peto

  • Alexandra Tatarsky as Northumberland, Poins, 1st Carrier, & Servant to Hotspur

Give me life!
— Falstaff, Henry IV, Part I, 5.2

Tabling: Henry IV, Part I

Links to the discussions that the cast had in preparation for the recordings. You can subscribe to Radio Shakespeare Lab and Tabling: The Podcast on any of your favorite podcasting platforms!

Yet herein will I imitate the sun,
Who doth permit the base contagious clouds
To smother up his beauty from the world,
That when he please again to be himself,
Being wanted, he may be more wonder’d at
— Prince Hal, Henry IV, Part I, 1.2

iReadShakespeare Resources

A wonderful resource and support page for readers and those looking for further information on Shakespeare’s plays.

The Radio Play

Originally released on Radio Shakespeare Lab, March 5 — March 23 2021. Each track is a scene from King Henry IV, Part I, voiced by actors from across the US and Canada and includes sound effects and original music. The act and scene breaks are based on the 1623 Folio.

That being daily swallowed by men’s eyes,
They surfeited with honey, and began to loathe
The taste of sweetness, whereof a little
More than a little, is by much too much.
— King Henry, Henry IV, Part I, 3.2

The First Part of Henry the Fourth

Reader’s Edition • Edited and designed by Dr. Robin Williams

Robin Williams established the ISC Press to develop and create the Readers’ Editions of the plays, the only edition in the world that is specifically designed and edited for readers in a Shakespeare reading group.